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Welcome! Our group is interested in the development and applications of novel optical tools to study essential problems in chemistry, biology and materials science.

One PhD position is available for Fall 2024.


[07/12/24] Le Mei's work has been published in Nanophotonics.

[06/19/24] Farewell party for Crystal.

[06/15/24] KY has been nominated to the NIH EBIT Study Section member.

[05/10/24] Katie has been selected as a recipient of the UCF Multidisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship. Big Congrats!!

[03/25/24] Le-Mei & Bethany presented their works at FOM 2024 in Genoa, Italy.

[01/29/24] Abdullah & Le-Mei presented their works at SPIE PW.

[11/16/23] Le Mei has been selected as 2023 Edmund Optics Educational Award Finalist!

[10/13/23] Crystal defended her dissertation. Congrats, Dr. Weng!

[09/23/23] Our collaborative work with Yoon Kim's lab at Rutgers has been published in Acta Neuropathologica.

[08/16/23] Bye Vahid. We will miss you.

[08/07/23] Welcome a new graduate student, Xiaotong!

[07/03/23] Vahid's work has been featured in the main page of CommsBio.

[06/27/23] Gentle STED paper came out!

[06/20/23] Vahid successfully defended his dissertation. Congrats, Dr. Ebrahimi!

[05/18/23] Kyu Young gave an invited talk at ETOP 2023.

[05/15/23] Welcome, Krina. Welcome back, Katie!

[05/07/23] Kyu Young gave a short course lecture at CLEO.

[02/06/23] Shaheen from RPI visits us for 3D lithography projects.

[01/28/23] We attended SPIE Photonics West 2023.

[01/03/23] Welcome Prof. Chaitanya Ullal from RPI for his sabbatical in our lab.

[12/07/22] Attended annual 4DN meeting.

[11/19/22] We had Thanksgiving party.

[11/04/22] Lab tours for undergraduates.

[09/23/22] Completed Han Lab's Freshman training course for Atul & Bethany.

[08/22/22] Welcome a new graduate student, Bethany!

[08/12/22] Bye Katie. Hope to see you next year.

[08/08/22] Kyu Young has been tenured!

[07/05/22] Welcome Atul as a new graduate student!

[05/23/22] Welcome summer internship students Katie & Xuan.

[05/15/22] Group reunion at CLEO 2022. Very glad to see our alumni.

[05/14/22] Kyu Young gave a short course lecture (4 hours!) at CLEO 2022.

[04/06/22] Xuan received the UCF Founders' Award. Congrats!

[03/07/22] A visitor from Prof. Ullal's lab at RPI for collaboration of subdiffraction 3D photolithography. An exciting project to work!

[02/11/22] We're sorry to say goodbye to Ben. All the best for your future!

[02/08/22] We've got InSight X3+!

[01/25/22] A nice photo taken in Photonics West 2022.

[12/08/21] Attended the annual 4DN meeting.

Looking for old news? Click here.

Our research has been supported by the following:

NIGMS (MIRA & R21) NIH Common Fund Biophotonics DARPA

Copyright © Kyu Young Han. All rights reserved.